
created : 1 week ago| |  live deployment: 2

created : 1 week ago |  live deployment: 2


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Strategy description

This trading strategy that focuses on high-volume stocks and aims to capture trends within a specific time window. Here's a structured breakdown of your approach:

  1. Stock Selection: Focus on high-volume stocks, ensuring liquidity and tight spreads for smooth entry and exit.

  2. Time Window:

    • Trade between 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM.
    • Option to restart trades until 10:30 AM if seeking more returns.
  3. Profit Strategy:

    • If the first trade is profitable, the strategy suggests stopping trading for the day to lock in gains.
    • If the first trade results in a loss, restart the strategy to attempt a recovery.
  4. Capital Deployment:

    • Start with ₹1.5 lakh for each trade.
    • Proper position sizing and risk management should be used to limit potential losses.
  5. Emotional Control:

    • Hold your nerves after the first profitable trade instead of chasing further gains to avoid overtrading.
    • Only restart trading if the first trade is a loss, to give yourself another chance for profit.
