
created : 1 week ago| |  live deployment: 5

created : 1 week ago |  live deployment: 5

NATGAS MINI STRATEGY > Whatsapp 9445051120

Strategy description

It is a NatGas Mini Strategy

Requires approx. 30,000/- capital.


This strategy involves to identify trends and make trading decisions, top priority to risk management practices to protect capital.

By adhering to the strategy rules and maintaining a consistent approach, traders can improve their chances of success in the market.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results




Invest Chennai Academy is not a SEBI-registered investment or financial advisor. 

Please contact your investment advisor before deploying any strategy based solely on past performance. 

All P&L updates are derived from their own Live Auto P&L and are provided for informational purposes. 

Paper trading for a month is recommended as the best method to learn and potentially earn significant returns over the long term. 

It's important to note that no strategy guarantees short-term wealth accumulation.
