
created : 2 weeks ago| |  live deployment: 15

created : 2 weeks ago |  live deployment: 15

Multi Index Multi Strike Option Selling with Hedge Strategy > Whatsapp 9445051120

Strategy description

Creating an intraday index option selling strategy focused on capturing theta decay involves careful planning and execution. Here's a concise outline of such a strategy:

Index Option Selling Strategy for Intraday with Theta Decay

Selecting the Index: Choose a liquid index like the Nifty 50 (NIFTY) or Finnifty  that offers actively traded options with tight bid-ask spreads.

This strategy we do in evening market hours also for intraday traders.

Directional trend also capturing based on market conditions.

Identify Strike Prices: Target at-the-money (ATM) or slightly In-of-the-money (ITM) strike prices for the options to optimize theta decay.

Time Frame: Focus on short-duration options that expire within the same trading day (e.g., weekly Expiry).

Theta Decay Advantage:

Theta decay accelerates as options approach expiration, especially during the last trading hour.

Intraday selling capitalizes on rapid time decay within a short timeframe.

Risk Management:

Define a maximum loss threshold for each trade.

Utilize stop-loss orders or predefined exit points to limit losses.

Entry and Exit Points:

Enter trades early in the trading session to benefit from the initial time decay.

Monitor positions closely and consider exiting before the market close to avoid overnight risk.

Continuous Monitoring:

Stay updated with market movements and news that could influence intraday price action.

Adjust strategies based on changing market conditions or unexpected events.


Invest Chennai Academy is not a SEBI-registered investment or financial advisor. Please contact your investment advisor before deploying any strategy based solely on past performance. All P&L updates are derived from their own Live Auto P&L and are provided for informational purposes. Paper trading for a month is recommended as the best method to learn and potentially earn significant returns over the long term. It's important to note that no strategy guarantees short-term wealth accumulation.
