
created : 3 weeks ago| |  live deployment: 1

Strategy description

Hi All,  This Strategy


Recognizes market direction and initiates the trades very quickly.

Always grab small profits as and when possible.

Always try to initiate directional trades only.

Always ready to take Hedge  quickly to minimize losses.

Closes the trade only if the executed trade in profit. 

Avoid book losses and hold position for better opportunity.

Instead of book losses, strategy always try to convert it into profit or minimize losses.

In the name of protection / Hedge no much trades / legs to support trades.  

Always only one CE sell (or) one PE sell (or) Both CE & PE sell.    

No option buy at all to avoid option decay. 

Tested and strategy with decent returns on monthly basis.

Absolutely free of cost strategy at present.    


Some days may continuously be stuck in range bound.  

Due to No major movement in index may lead to minimum profit / no profit days continuously for some days.

Number of trades per day may execute up to 20 some days (10 Sell + 10 Buy). 


Very Important Points about this strategy.

Most of the Brokerage platforms need to generate token to execute trades.  Hence, it is very important to generate token every day after 8AM.  As per Tradetron token must be generate after 8AM. However, it observed token can generate after 6AM also works fine. 


What Happens if we forgot to generate token.  Orders will not execute and it will show as error execution.  Some times it may leads to big losses.  So, don’t forget to generate on all market days.


Just assume, we forgot to generate token and trade didn’t execute as per algo.  To avoid loss for this type of situation, please select ‘’ON ERROR SETTING”, check the square box by tick in front of ‘If strategy is in error, exit strategy’…..   

Apply above step help you, as and when error execution happened, strategy will automatically exit the strategy.


This strategy, EXIT automatically in two cases 

one condition is -  on error setting exit if you applied as explained above.

second condition is - As and when booked profit as described by strategy.  


What happened after exit the strategy.  

Just leave it as it is. No need to do anything. Strategy automatically reactivate within one or two minutes for new trade / position.


Suggestions from Strategy Creator.

Point No1  -  First deploy one month as paper trade.

Point No2  - If you are aggressive trader. Then deploy one month without any fear.  

                          No major losses in a single day. Hence, someone can take risk to try.

Point No3 -  Please analyze strategy performance on monthly basis only, not on daily basis.

Point No4 -  Please don't interrupt manually, while strategy running it's own.

Point No5 -  Actual requirement of funds is around 75K, still on safer side we mentioned as 100K.

Point No6 -  Please be realistic on profit percentage.  Don't be imaginary or compare with unrealistic numbers.

Point No7 -   Don't listen anyone's suggestions.  Even above description as mentioned by me also.  Don't means Don't listen.

Point No8 -   If not listen anyone, then what to do.  Deploy strategy live/paper trade to check live market.

Point No9 -   Very few times, due to sudden huge volatility, option prices may spike all of sudden and you may seen big MTM loss.  Don't panic during that market volatility by seeing huge MTM loss.  Give little time to get back to the loss to profit.



