
created : 3 months ago| |  live deployment: 2

created : 3 months ago |  live deployment: 2

Infinity3M BNF Range BO

by:  JP


Strategy description

Directional Option buying Strategy. It determines a particular duration range and when price gives a breakout on either of the direction, it takes ITM Option BUY trade (Either CE or PE depending on breakout direction). 

It has a fixed SL while target is not defined. Hence at times even though you see considerable profits but due to market reversal, it is possible that the profits are not only given up but also may end in the loss. 

Being a option buying strategy, one should be prepared for deep drawdowns and ratio of win Vs loss will not be comforting ratio. Hence, only if you have risk appetite with strong trading phycology, you should subscribe to this strategy. 

While option buying requires lower margin, considering the deep drawdown, we have defined the margin requirement accordingly. Hence, please don't increase your lot sizes with smaller (inadequate) capital.

We have kept the option of request for subscription intentionally to get a confirmation from the requested subscriber that they understand the risk, drawdown & low win ratio aspects of this strategy. 

We are not SEBI registered nor competent financial advisors.  Using this algo for taking trades is your own sole decision and it also means you are aware of the risks associated with the F&O trades apart from risks associated with technical failures in case of algo trade executions. We are not responsible for  any losses that you may incur either due to strategy performance reasons or due to any type of algo trade execution challenges (technical glitch, platform specific failures, broker trading  platform failures, etc). In short, we will be happy if you make profits but under no circumstances are responsible for any type of losses. No claims can be made on us. 
