
created : 3 months ago| |  live deployment: 3

created : 3 months ago |  live deployment: 3


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Strategy description

STOCK Options algo

This advanced algorithmic trading system utilizes artificial intelligence to scan and identify the top 10 stocks with high potential for profitable trades. The algorithm actively trades in 4 to 9 of these selected stocks.

Once a cumulative profit of Rs.5,000 is achieved, the algorithm will automatically cease trading to lock in gains and prevent unnecessary risk. While it is possible to reactivate the system to pursue additional profits, it is not recommended. Reactivating the system increases the risk of incurring losses, which would also result in additional brokerage fees and taxes, and could disrupt your peace of mind.

Discipline is key to successful trading. It's important to remain consistent with this algorithm, even if it experiences losses on one or two days. Trusting the system and maintaining discipline will help ensure long-term success in your trading endeavors.
