
created : 4 months ago| |  live deployment: 6

created : 4 months ago |  live deployment: 6

Infinity3M Option Magic 2024

by:  JP


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Strategy description

The strategy is Non-Directional option selling strategy.

Trade may start soon after market opens and trade closes before 3.15 pm. 

We may take multiple trades in a day post exit of earlier entered trades.

Each time, there will be 2 option selling (CE & PE) and also 2 option Buying (CE & PE) trades.

While we have defined SL for option selling position, there is no SL Defined for option buying positions (In order to optimize the margin requirement, we buy  OTM  options). SL can hit both sides if the market moves in a V shape i.e., considerable move both up & down in a day and in such case both sides SL can hit. 

We are not SEBI registered nor competent financial advisors.  Using this algo for taking trades is your own sole decision and it also means you are aware of the risks associated with the option intraday trading apart from risks associated with technical failures in case of algo trade executions. We are not responsible for  any losses that you may incur either due to strategy performance reasons or due to any type of algo trade execution challenges (technical glitch, platform specific failures, broker trading  platform failures, etc). In short, we will be happy if you make profits but under no circumstances are responsible for any type of losses. No claims can be made on us. 
