
created : 7 months ago| |  live deployment: 3

created : 7 months ago |  live deployment: 3

Non Directional Swift Shift Star

Strategy description

Non Directional Swift Shift Star, a cutting-edge Non-Directional strategy that deploys straddles and swiftly adjusts its paired legs based on market movements to secure maximum premiums. It always take entries along with its hedges for margin benfit and to keep VAR in check. This strategy is your go-to for non-directional trading. Non Directional Swift Shift Star is engineered to work seamlessly with the Illenium Option Selling strategy, creating a well-balanced basket that optimizes returns while effectively managing risk. By dynamically adjusting positions in response to market shifts, this strategy ensures you stay ahead of the curve, capturing premiums efficiently. 

It Trades Daily Expiries.

•Mon: Bankex
•Tue: FinNifty

•Wed: BankNifty 

•Thurs: Nifty

•Fri: Sensex
