
created : 2 years ago| |  live deployment: 18

created : 2 years ago |  live deployment: 18

STW | Sensex Theta Warrior

Strategy description

Strategy in Brief: 
Intraday BNF Straddle, with dynamic adjustments. Goes directional if needed.

Entry: 9:16 am Tue-Thu, 9:20 am Fri-Mon

Exit: 2:58 pm, or on target or on SL or on TSL

Single counter strategy, don't reactivate on the same day once it exits.

How it Works

  1. This is an entirely intraday strategy, and you should keep patience with the positions taken and allow the positions to play and eat theta.
  2. The strategy has a fixed SL as a % of entry price per leg. This number is determined by back test to have the best possible return for you.
  3. The strategy makes money from theta decay and incase of a trending market, it might make money from a directional move as well, mostly when there is a breakout in Intraday.

What to Do

  1. We recommend you put this strategy in TT Paper Trade for the first week, this will help you build patience required for sticking to the strategy.
  2. Be Patient. Allow the strategy to work. It only takes position once a day, adjustments are made with SL and exits the position by end of the day.
  3. The strategy will not be redeployed if SL is hit on both sides due to choppy markets.
  4. Recommended Multiplier is 1x to 5x. 
  5. You can however exit the strategy if you like the profits you have made. However, we recommend you eat theta with us.

What Not to Do

  1. Don't trade this strategy inconsistently. You need to give it at least 2 weeks in live before deciding if it is useful for you or not.
  2. Don't Panic, this strategy analyzes trade parameters every 1m, 3m and 5m before deciding the move. The objective is the remove the noise and remain in position and earn theta

Disclaimer: Strategy One is not a SEBI-registered advisor. We are not liable for any losses as a result of using this strategy. Please consult with your Financial Advisor before Trading. We strongly recommend to paper trade the strategy for at least a fortnight before deploying it live.
