Enrollment Open: Advanced Strategy Building Course Batch 35 (Hindi)!
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created : 3 years ago| | live deployment: 14
Strategy description
NF Rafting (NF V3 )- Strategy Description:
High Level Strategy:
Strategy will take 3 pairs of Nifty Strangle / Straddle depends on the day.
Start Time: Friday, Monday: 9:25 , remaining days: 9:16
Last Entry Time: 14:15 ,
Reactivate in 10 Mins
TSL based on Index movement and multiple PNL based TSL
Note: may take multiple counters. So better go with Zero brokerage brokers.
Paper Trading PNL & Live PNL will always be different with Slippages. Strategy will work based on your entry price, so it will be different between 2 Live accounts as well.
Share Code: c314ec6d-8a72-4011-9655-05bb05b594c6
Disclaimer: Skanda Algo not a SEBI registered advisor. Please do your own research before taking any trade through ALGO. I will not be responsible for any profit or loss.