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In order to configure SMC Global with Tradetron, you need to follow the following steps.


1. In order to obtain the Secret_key and app_key, you need to contact SMC Global support and provide them your client code so they can move forward with your account.


SMC Global support.



2. The Information you will get from your broker it will look like this (please refer below mentioned image). The information you get Trading key will be used as App_key and secret_key as a secret_key we do not need market data for that.



3. After successfully obtaining the Secret_key and app_key go broker and exchange page on Tradetron click on the add broker.





4. Scroll down click on the select broker drop-down and select the SMC Global from the drop-down.


5. Now you will see the Secret_key and app_key as a blank space So, in that you need to paste secret_key and app_key which you will get from SMC Global.


 6. After pasting all the required value just click on the save and then you are good to go with SMC Global. 


(For any query regarding SMC Global Integration please write us on our [email protected] )