1. Sign into the Breeze API Page with your ICICIdirect Credentials – click here
2. Go to register an app and enter the details for TradeTron
For example:
App Name: - Tradetron
Redirect URL: -
Replace TTID by your Tradetron User ID mentioned on your Tradetron profile page
Your link should look like this>>
After submitting the details, you will receive the API Key and Secret Key
3. These keys can also be found under the ‘View Apps’ tab where the keys can also be regenerated or deactivated or activated
4. To add ICICI Direct as your broker at Tradetron, go to your profile and select Broker & Exchanges
5. Click on Add Broker
6. Provide the necessary details
7. Renew your session token everyday to enjoy seamless trading experience (If not renewed, the trades will get rejected)
(For any broker integration related query, you can write on our [email protected] )