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To connect Bhartiya StockBroking account with Tradetron, follow the steps below

Step 1: Create a session token for user, send User Management Screenshot from ADMIN shown below with the details of the RESTAPI user to Greeksoft Support Team.

Step 2: Send this to the mentioned email ID's and Greeksoft Team will provide a password for the same. 

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]
  4. [email protected]

Step 3: Tick IBT and Automated for particular user in User Management through Admin 

Step 4: Map RESTAPI product to particular user through Arbitrage Mapper

 Step 5: You will then recevied a username and password on your email from Greeksoft's support team. 

Step 6: Go to Broker and Exchanges in Tradetron from the top-right Menu 

Step 7: Click on Add broker

Step 8: Select any one, Bharatiya Stock Broking or Bharatiya Stock Broking Pro from the drop-down menu as applicable

Step 9: Add the following details and click on save 

Step 10:  You need to generate a token everyday before 9AM. To generate your token  click on "Generate token" here.

Now you are all set for Algo trading!