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In order to configure ABSTOX with Tradetron, you need to follow the following steps.



1.In order to obtain the Secret_key and app_key, you need to contact ABSTOX support and provide them your client code so they can move forward with your account.


ABSTOX support.


E-mail:- [email protected]

Contact Number:- +91-9351412345


2,After successfully obtaining the Secret_key and app_key go broker and exchange page on Tradetron click on the add broker. 





3.Scroll down click on the select broker drop-down and select the ABSTOX from the drop-down.



4.Now you will see the Secret_key and app_key as a blank space So, in that you need to paste secret_key and app_key which you will get from Nirmal Bang.




5.After pasting all the required value just click on the save and then you are good to go with ABSTOX. 


( For any query regarding ABSTOX Integration please write us on our [email protected] )