
created : 2 weeks ago| |  live deployment: 2

created : 2 weeks ago |  live deployment: 2

Multi Index Jackpot Hunter FBN index

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Strategy description

This is an options buying Strategy, which will select the index to be traded for the day based on certain rules, and will take trade based on valid entry condition on upto 2 lots of either CE and/or PE.

Wider PNL swing Alert!:  Being an option buying strategy, you will witness wider pnl swings throughout the day. If your trading style doesn't suit such movements, then better to stick to our "Tortoise" strategies.

If you have huge capital and have capacity to deploy more, you should diversify some into other strategies from us or other creators for further diversification after thorough due diligence. Dont put all eggs in one basket.

Some Details:

Entry Time                        :    9:16

Exit time                           :    15:19 for universal exit.

Broker Requirement: Although number of trades is less, using a zero brokerage broker or a fixed monthly brokerage plan brokers works best with this strategy. Also the brokers that charges brokerage in % of traded amount also works but the rate of brokerage should be low. For small multipliers, Strictly avoid brokers that charges few rupees per order type of brokerage. As our aim is to take advantage of averaging and not to make brokers rich.

Deviation from deployment to deployment:
  Due to multiple moving parts in this strategy, this strategy is very likely to give different PNL for different deployments and its perfectly alright. The strategy has numerous edges and that will help you in long term. So stay relaxed and follow patience in case of deviations between 2 deployments.

Do's and Don'ts:

1) Make sure that your account has sufficient Balance for the multiplier that you deploy as per the capital requirement mentioned. Failing which the Strategy will go into Error Execution state and Tradetron will pause condition checking for your deployment.

2) If your deployment is interrupted due to any reason like, paused the Strategy on any day or the strategy went into Error Execution on any day, make sure that the Strategy Status goes through exited status to properly reset the counter and reset the variables used in the strategy and fresh day starts with fresh variables

Risk Disclaimer:

We are not SEBI registered analyst. Neither the Strategy Creator nor Trade-Tron is responsible for any loss to you by deploying this strategy. Please consult your Financial Advisor before Trading in Stock/Options Market. Do not deploy any emergency funds or take any over exposure that may impact you if things go wrong. Also note that Automated Trading is not unsupervised trading, you are expected to keep an eye on the trading as any technology can sometimes have limitations/errors/downtime, etc.
