
created : 1 year ago| |  live deployment: 21

created : 1 year ago |  live deployment: 21

Evershine Nifty

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Strategy description

This strategy is introduced by Get Set Algo. Strategy does options selling in near ATM strikes. As per our criteria we choose Strikes in Nifty Options. The strategy works and responds to volatile moves of the market pretty quickly. Position sizing is the important feature in this strategy

Average number of Trades per Day: 10 to 16 trades

Entry & Reentry : The strategy starts at 9:16 AM. The strategy is designed to take one entry a day Whereas leg based entry and reentry happens throughout the day as and when required.  

[Manual Re-entry is not suggested after 1 PM on any day

Exit: The strategy exits at 15:10 PM. The strategy works at most type of market conditions except sharp W shaped moves

Max open position: 3 lots of call "Or" 3 lots of put at 1x. 

[#Trust the strategy if you wish to beat the Traditional asset class returns with this low-risk reward strategy]


This strategy if used with Nifty OTM Hedge strategy then will need only 180000 Capital. Without hedge capital needed 275000. [For 1x Evershine Nifty, OTM Hedges should be deployed at 2x]

Link for OTM hedges:


18-11-2023: Expiry day setup changed due to low premium impacting expiry day performance


We enter and exit all trades at market price. It is impossible that for all users end result will match. When checked closely paper trade to paper trade results differ. Paper to live trade and live to live trade also results differ.

Disclaimer: I'm not SEBI registered investment or financial advisor. Don't deploy any of our strategy based on past performance only. All the pnl we update is basis paper trade deployment and for information purpose. 

